Some of the most beautiful work of this craftsman, and many others, are in this book “Liège Gunmakers through their Work. 1800 - 1950”.
For more detail see: LIEGE GUNMAKERS
Dieudonné Ancion & Fils
It is about a rifle flintlock in military matter but the rather dark photographs prevent me appreciating all the details of them and from better refining the analysis. But in short, it is about a round lock to the French type with hammer in heart and greenhouse hones with ball (bored and/or split?) I could not distinguish it.
The small basin is out of brass with anti-spark rampart.
The round barrel is maintained by the tail of breech and one to “embouchoir” with two bands with the mouth. I could not either distinguish if the rod were metal or out of wood!
The manufacturer
The lock is marked D.D. ANCION & Fils in LIEGE this company is registered with the house of tests of Liege of 1842 to 1867 under the name ANCION Dieudonné et Cie then under name ANCION Dieudonné & Fils of 1867 to 1873.
This company made patent 13 inventions of weapons of 1844 to 1871.
Mark AD crowned is without question the mark of this company.
The weapon also carries the punch of acceptance of the house of tests of Liege is spangled ELG in an oval which was of use of 1846 to 1893.
I could not decipher the oval mark struck the barrel, I am unaware of thus the significance of it.