Some of the most beautiful work of this craftsman, and many others, are in this book “Liège Gunmakers through their Work. 1800 - 1950”.

For more detail see: LIEGE GUNMAKERS


Here is a pistol owed to Jean HENRARD who is the predecessor of the – best known – VICI pistol of the association J. HENRARD and A. DISCRY, already mentioned on the site.

Regarding Jean HENRARD, a member of the team said:



Rue Emile Muraille, 157 La Préalle-Herstal (1913)

Rue des Gris, 51-53 Herstal (19/08/1920)

Rue des Gris, 51-53 Herstal (Ann.1924)

Company HENRARD & DISCRY (Pistolet Vici, Johan Hanel) – Belgian Arms Manufacture – Liège (Ann.1933)

BE 1920/1925

Registration of trademarks

N° 2507 – Liège 19/08/1920 (with DISCRY Alphonse)

N° 2543 – Liège 22/11/1920 (with DISCRY Alphonse)

N° 3227 – Liège 04/12/1924 (with DISCRY Alphonse)

Patent filing in Belgium

- n° 253071 – 20/01/1913 New automatic pistol system

- n° 261794 – 27/10/1913 New automatic pistol system (brvt ppal n° 253071 of 20/01/1913)

- n° 290562 – 17/08/1920 Automatic pistol with gas deflagration (with DISCRY Alphonse)

Unfortunately, I am not in a position to say whether this is the ‘original’ model of January 1913 or the refinement of October 1913. According to one member of the team, this is the "original" model.

GP and especially Michel Druart and Max.