Some of the most beautiful work of this craftsman, and many others, are in this book “Liège Gunmakers through their Work. 1800 - 1950”.

For more detail see: LIEGE GUNMAKERS


Here is a classic "carbine" system COMBLAIN model 1871 intended for the Belgian Civil Guard. It is actually a short 120 cm rifle, but the official name is “carbine”. Breech in phosphorous bronze.

According to what we read in “Les armes à feu réglementaires belges depuis 1830” (p. 76 and 80), these weapons were “manufactured by a large number of small workshops.” One of these workshops is that of Edouard MALHERBE, a weapons manufacturer in Liège. It should also be noted that he filed fourteen patents between 1856 and 1880.

On we can also see that Edouard MALHERBE made Comblains for Brazil.


GB in oval: (owned by) Belgian Government

U under crown: countermark of a controller, in use between 1853 and 1877;

L crowned in a circle: probably the countermark of a military controller;

GP avec l’aide de PHL.