Some of the most beautiful work of this craftsman, and many others, are in this book “Liège Gunmakers through their Work. 1800 - 1950”.

For more detail see: LIEGE GUNMAKERS


Here is a very classic LECLERCQ system folding rifle in calibre 12 mm with side lever opening of Belgian manufacture.

The markings

Peron: inspection since 1853

R under star: controller's countermark since 1877

EL: Provisional test since 1852

ELG in oval under crown: acceptance between 1893 and 1968

12 m C in a diamond : calibre between 1898 and 1924

O spangled: controller's countermark since 1877

10.4: Barrel diameter (?) in mm since 1889.

We also see F. PURNEL engraved in a rather malleable manner as well as other illegible mentions. Better eyes than mine made it F. PURNELLE Bté, which is quite plausible since the “Qui est qui de l’armurerie liégeoise” mentions an F. PURNELLE from Sarolay-Argenteau. Between 1887 and 1910, he filed four patents, but unfortunately none corresponded to the weapon in question. The mention ‘Patent’ is therefore probably related to the fact that either he had filed patents or he had a degree in armory.

Unfortunately, we cannot comfort the American owner in his assertion that it is a weapon manufactured by a former employee of the famous English company Purdey who has settled on his account. Hundreds of thousands of these weapons were manufactured in Liege in various calibers for almost a century.

GP with the help of Alain and MAX