Some of the most beautiful work of this craftsman, and many others, are in this book “Liège Gunmakers through their Work. 1800 - 1950”.

For more detail see: LIEGE GUNMAKERS

Charles Servais

At the beginning of December, 2004, we had pleasure in meeting this funny and colourful character.

Mister Charles SERVAIS (Born.?), Liège gunsmith-engraver-inlayer at home, graduated Work Master in 1965, and now in pre-retirement, was very kind to meet us in his lovely small house at Herstal.

He brought us directly into the most holy place of the house, which is his (formal) homeshop, installed on the upper floor, where he is still working "for the pleasure".

The work bench with its pivoting vice is of course placed in front of the window, full south, in order to enable him to get daylight as long as possible.

The specific gunmaker and engraver tools are laying all over the bench in a fabulous disorder, but the master knows very well where to find avery single piece.

He was so kind to explain and demonstrate us how some of these tools are used, like the chequering file, the hand punch, the engraver's hammer etc.

Charles is truly passionated by his art, that he is now practising for forty-two years, and is active in all aspects of the manufacture of  hunting guns, including the engraving and the inlays, which are done (very skillful) with the eyes only, the same way it was done in the past.


Phone of Mr Servais : 0032.497/61.11.76

A weapon of Charles Servais