Some of the most beautiful work of this craftsman, and many others, are in this book “Liège Gunmakers through their Work. 1800 - 1950”.

For more detail see: LIEGE GUNMAKERS


Here a shotgun juxtaposed to external hammers, key of opening between the hammers, barrels out of Cockerill steel, of Belgian manufacturing, marked on locks A Franchini in Montevideo (Uruguay), the salesman of rifle.

On the tape between the barrels an inscription is reproduced which can result in “special for smoke-free powders”. The manufacturing is current. Cheap engravings of a dog and rabbits on locks.


Peron: inspection since 1853

EL: provisional test since 1852

16 C in rhombus: gauge weapon, between 1898 and 1924

ELG in oval under crown: acceptance between 1893 and 1968

CHOKE 16.5 over 16.9: choke of the barrels, marking used between 1910 and 1924.

P 1K.371.5: weight of the barrels, between 1892 and 1924

PV Lion on statement: test with the powder lives between 1898 and 1968.

A and AV under star: countermark controllers since 1877.

AG could be the manufacturer of guns A. GAROT with Herstal.

I wonder about what I had with the start got for a Greek letter (a species of delta lying). The yearly letters in Greek alphabet were used between 1948 and 1961, which does not correspond to other markings. By deduction, I arrive at a manufacturing between 1910 and 1924.

I do not identify the letter surmounted of a star beside the EL under mention CHOKE 16.5 over 16.9.