Some of the most beautiful work of this craftsman, and many others, are in this book “Liège Gunmakers through their Work. 1800 - 1950”.

For more detail see: LIEGE GUNMAKERS


This is a beautiful shotgun juxtaposed with locks. It is curious that there is no name of the manufacturer on the tape, for example.


1 kg 025 : barrel weight, in use since 1924

AE under asterisks : countermark of the controller from 1877 to 1968

Lion on PV: smokeless powder test, in use from 1898 to 1968

ELG on star in crowned oval: acceptance, in use since 1924

20-70 in elongated omega: nominal size and length of the sleeve, in use since 1924

EL in English letters: provisional proof from 1852 to the present day.

k (if I have read it correctly): annual letter for 1932.

Andrews Toledo Steel: a steel manufacturer based in Sheffield.

On the lock we can read GROSJEAN Frères, probably the manufacturer of locks.

It is possible that the rifle was made by Fernand THONON who used this type of steel. See on the link:

GP with the help of HPH and Alain