Some of the most beautiful work of this craftsman, and many others, are in this book “Liège Gunmakers through their Work. 1800 - 1950”.

For more detail see: LIEGE GUNMAKERS

ROBERT Charles & Cie

It is about an army rifle of the hammerless type since all the system is embedded in the weapon itself. The system of percussion seems to be in the cylinder containing the cartridge and which thanks to a hinge placed at the rear of the barrel can be opened or closed again at will. The stick in walnut is worked with English and the wood is prolonged until the end of the barrel. It is interdependent of the barrel thanks to two “brassadelles” of brass. The metal rod is slipped between wood and barrel into a space spared to this end.

Punches of tests

I did not discover any punch of tests of Liège or others on this weapon??


1343CBC1874: it is probably about the classification of the weapon, the last 4 figures (1874) could be the date of manufacture or invention?

Charles ROBERT of Liege deposits in 1867/68 six Belgian patents in particular for a rifle undertaking by the breech and a system rifle undertaking by the breech by means of a copper cartridge (with GILLON Noël).

From 1871 to 1878, the company becomes ROBERT Charles & Co fabricants d’armes brevetés (manufacturers of weapons patented). This mark is struck to the stick. In 1878, the company is taken again by CHOUVEL R.

LM: mark probably subcontractor.

Nm on the stick: marks of the wood assembler ?

R.R. /F.E: marks unknown?

AA: marks unknown?


The present weapon is the subject of a patent (22483 of the 30.04.1868) bearing on the recording of this rifle. 4 patents of modifications of this weapon were then recorded of 1867 to 1868. They are the patents n° 22589 of the 16.10.1867, 22669 of the 31.10.1867, 23797 of the 15.07.1868 and 24488 of the 16.09.1868.

In appendix: sketch of the first patent.