Some of the most beautiful work of this craftsman, and many others, are in this book “Liège Gunmakers through their Work. 1800 - 1950”.

For more detail see: LIEGE GUNMAKERS

NAGANT M.1887 Swedish

Here are twin brothers!!

One is signed "NAGANT", the other "HUSQVARNA

The NAGANT M.1887

The NAGANT No. 802 is part of the first production of 2600 revolvers ordered by Sweden and intended for officers. It was received by one of the two Swedish officers on site in Liège, Christofer LEMCHEN (CL) and delivered in June 1888.

Particularity of this revolver: the front sight, initially rectangular, was modified, most likely after its sale on the civilian market.



This M.1887 No. 2102 produced in Sweden by HUSQVARNA was part of the first delivery of 5400 copies of this model, delivered in 1898. The entire HUSQVARNA supply amounted to 13732 copies.

This weapon was received by Per Theodor BERGSTEN (PTB). The unit mark of this weapon (L No. 3635) is affixed to the rear of the frame, right side

A part of the M.1887 revolvers produced by HUSQVARNA in Sweden were also intended for the civilian market. They then bore the Gothic "H" acronym of the producer.


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