Some of the most beautiful work of this craftsman, and many others, are in this book “Liège Gunmakers through their Work. 1800 - 1950”.

For more detail see: LIEGE GUNMAKERS

NAGANT M.1887 manufactured by Husqvarna

In 1887 a new revolver in 7.5 millimeters, NAGANT system was issued to officers of the armed forces. The locking device was a variation of the construction of the Galand of 1870 which raises the hammer in the safety position so as not to touch the cartridge. These revolvers were produced by NAGANT in Liège and by HUSQVARNA in Sweden.

In 1893 a modification was accepted to prevent the cylinder from moving, when the revolver is not cocked.

A number of the M.1887 revolvers equipped civil administrations and companies. They were used until 1945 by the home guard units (?) and by the special units for dog training with blanks until 1989.

In the 1950s some M.1887 revolvers were converted by Svenska Metallverken to fire .32 ACP.

This model was used by the Swedish National Shooting Organization.

A few revolvers of this type were replaced in the 1950s and were then used by a military organization called Verkskyddet. These paramilitary units were put into service by the state railways, the royal telegraph, the transport department (responsible for bridges and ferries), all power stations and energy distribution companies, as well as some strategically important industries. Most M.1887 revolvers were sold on the civilian market in the early 1980s.

Leo (Sweden)

The Swedish Post had purchased 940 revolvers for the cash transporters.

The horn is the property mark of the post office, the gothic H is the registered trademark of HUSQUARNA for revolvers supplied to non-military services.

The electricity service also had some, these were marked "Vattenfallsvärket".

Peter (Denmark)


Postmaster Martin Jönsson in private hat doing the Idre-Storsätern line in western parts of Dalarna, Sweden Taking aim with the M/1887.


Post officer armed with revolver to defend himself against wild animals and robbers.


Here seen with earlier M/1871 Revolver hanging in sling & M/1852 Sabre.

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