Some of the most beautiful work of this craftsman, and many others, are in this book “Liège Gunmakers through their Work. 1800 - 1950”.

For more detail see: LIEGE GUNMAKERS

Adolphe JANSEN

This is a saloon shotgun marked Adolphe JANSEN, King's Arquebusier. There are at least two other firearm models, one of which, the crossbow gun, is already on the site.

This one, with a tilting gun that arms the percussionist and makes it possible to place a primer on the chimney, has probably been patented, but I do not own it. And neither does our friend Max.

The little lever on the right is a security.

The projectile penetrates into the barrel by means of the rod screwed into the handle.

The powerful spring on the left of the gun blocks the gun to allow firing.

According to Le Stockel, he was active around 1843-1847, but Le Jarlier/Buigné places him between 1855 and 1870, which seems more realistic to me. The “Who is who of the Liège armoury” records his registration at the Liège Test Bench from 1859 to 1890. The JANSEN House, rue de la Madeleine in Brussels, existed until 1958.

The Deutsche Waffen Journal referred to the gunsmith and pistol in its June 1998 issue.

GP with the help of Max and a Dutch collector of system weapons.

Adolphe JANSEN

Revolver model Lefaucheux with closed frame.

Licensed Belgian manufacture, so not a revolver made by LEFAUCHEUX.

The reinforcement above seems to me to be signed AJ : Adolphe JANSSEN ?

Yes, but this weapon has three different serial numbers and another craftsman's mark, crowned PF, on the right side !!

The brands LEFAUCHEUX and JANSSEN are only present because there are patents at stake....

117631 is the registration number in the books of LEFAUCHEUX, the same for JANSSEN. AJ+ number and the last one may be that of PIRLOT or the owner if the weapon is part of a corporation or corporation (?).

It is very interesting for dating because the assignment of the numbers by their proxy (for LEFAUCHEUX it is the notary Leruth) almost always goes from the smallest to the largest, I suppose that for JANSSEN it must have been the same.

Knowing the dating of one, this gives an indication for the other.

So another weapon (not LEFAUCHEUX) but with a punch AJ and this famous junction gun / breech allows the located in time.

It's smoky, but why not?


Adolphe JANSEN

It is a Dieudonné Levaux revolver top break with central percussion. This weapon was the subject of a patent application on 15. 02. 1876 under No. 38 750. The barrel is octogonal and has adjustable sights. The cylinder has six rounds. The trigger is under bridge. The grips consists of two grid walnut pads joined by a central screw and rosettes with ears. This grips ends with a cap ring and its pivot screw.

The punches

The gun doesn’t bear any of the statutory markings on the Liège proofhouse.


AD. JANSEN Manufacturer of arms of H. M. the King, 27 rue de la Madeleine in Brussels and the initials LR crowned (unknown? ).

The manufacturer

The gun bears the name on the barrel by a well-known Brussels armourer, Adolphe Jansen Manufacturer of Arms of His Majesty the King, 27 rue de la Madeleine in Brussels. Listed at Liège’s proofhouse from 1835 to 1875. It is difficult to say if he is the manufacturer or only the reseller.


Ad Jansen

By Peter Rasmussen


Robert Adams, loading one of his famous revolvers


This 12 bore rifle is made on the Robert Adams Patent No 285 of 1860. (The T cut lump)

Robert Adams was in the firm Deane, Adams & Deane of 30 King Williams street In 1851 Dean, Adams & Dean participated in the great Exhibition in 1851 on stand 322. From 1846 he was manager of the John, & George Deans gun business, in 1858-65 he had his own business in 76 King William street. His shop closed in the winter 1865/6 in deep debt. He abandoned his dept and took to the road; he worked with other gun makers. Guns of this patent is seen with several other gun makers names. Among them W Burtisnhaw of Leeds He apparently went to the continent. A shotgun made by Ronge in Liege is in a British collection and now this double rifle, made in Bruxelles. He established a new workshop in late 1866 in 40 Pall Mall, this rifle must then have bean produced in 1866


The shotgun by Geofrey Bootroyd P 158-60.

The british shotgun by Crudington and Baker P 56-61.

Gunmakers of London 1350- 1850 P 39.

Jansen Adolphe

JANSEN, Adolphe, sometimes spelled JANSENS or JANSSEN - arms manufacturer, manufacturer of weapons of His Majesty King Rue of the Madeleine, 27 in BRUSSELS into 1908/1909.

The registers of the proof house of LIEGE announce its inscription to several successive dates is 1859 to 1884 - of 1885 to 1890 - of 1891 to 1931 - of 1939 to 1958.

It is obvious that the company which evolved over more than one century kept the name of the founder like corporate name.

The interested party deposited various patents in Belgium, nine of 1843 to 1867, bearing on pistols undertaking without powder, of the improvements to the pistol-revolvers and rifles LEFAUCHEUX etc.

Rifle of King Léopold.

Superb shotgun to central percussion about 1865 to 2 Damas barrels by Jansen, harquebusier of the court in Brussels, it is entirely encrusted with gold wire into “rinceaux” and is decorated figure of the King.

It was offered by the King to a prince of blood.

Adolphe Jansen

Little riffle or Warnant type

Jansen A.D.

Still a wonder!!

Jansen A.D.

A marvelous mechanism!!

One pushes on the small spoon to the top, one makes swivel the spatula and the unit swivels with the entirety of the breech!!

The hammer does not strike anything the whole, it is only used to arm an internal striker (central percussion).

Overall length 115cm, length gun 73cm, boring gun 10mm stripes hair.


Many thanks to the "ROYAL ARMY MUSEUM" Bruxelles and especially the section "ARMES PORTATIVES".

(N° identification : F218/175sup Collection of "Comte de Ribaucourt")

JANSEN Adolphe

Pistol with piston with single shot.

The weapon was manufactured by JANSEN Adolphe, harquebusier of the King, street of the Madeleine, 27 in Brussels (Proof house of Liège 1859/1884) and the house will continue to exist until 1958 under various corporate names.

JANSEN deposit nine Belgian patents whose pistol of shooting without powder, it perhaps acts of this weapon?


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