Usage statistics for

Summary Period: July 2023
Generated 06-Jul-2023 05:09 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for July 2023
Total Hits 352521
Total Files 311095
Total Pages 67398
Total Visits 11534
Total kB Files 15490730
Total Unique Sites 8875
Total Unique URLs 32140
Total Unique Referrers 5547
Total Unique User Agents 1590
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 2448 10787
Hits per Day 58753 95332
Files per Day 51849 84763
Pages per Day 11233 16109
Sites per Day 1479 2645
Visits per Day 1922 2498
kB Files per Day 2581788 3458819
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 88.25% 311095
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.07% 237
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.01% 26
Code 304 - Not Modified 3.18% 11222
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.00% 4
Code 403 - Forbidden 1.51% 5315
Code 404 - Not Found 6.98% 24619
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.00% 1
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.00% 2

Daily usage for July 2023

Daily Statistics for July 2023
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites kB F
1 58396 16.57% 52341 16.82% 11561 17.15% 2339 20.28% 2411 27.17% 2726240 17.60%
2 62681 17.78% 55704 17.91% 11781 17.48% 2498 21.66% 2645 29.80% 2922664 18.87%
3 62864 17.83% 53817 17.30% 12108 17.96% 2173 18.84% 2367 26.67% 3064835 19.78%
4 73245 20.78% 64469 20.72% 16109 23.90% 2439 21.15% 2373 26.74% 3318170 21.42%
5 95332 27.04% 84763 27.25% 15836 23.50% 2187 18.96% 2279 25.68% 3458819 22.33%
6 3 0.00% 1 0.00% 3 0.00% 3 0.03% 3 0.03% 3 0.00%

Hourly usage for July 2023

Hourly Statistics for July 2023
Hour Hits Files Pages kB F
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 2209 13259 3.76% 1928 11572 3.72% 385 2312 3.43% 110592 663554 4.28%
1 1565 9394 2.66% 1393 8359 2.69% 337 2023 3.00% 76306 457834 2.96%
2 1237 7423 2.11% 1061 6368 2.05% 330 1983 2.94% 58831 352983 2.28%
3 1246 7478 2.12% 1095 6573 2.11% 574 3449 5.12% 50082 300490 1.94%
4 1501 9010 2.56% 1336 8018 2.58% 629 3776 5.60% 61489 368936 2.38%
5 1431 8590 2.44% 1267 7605 2.44% 680 4085 6.06% 50089 300535 1.94%
6 1340 8042 2.28% 1112 6674 2.15% 450 2700 4.01% 61324 367942 2.38%
7 1431 8587 2.44% 1199 7197 2.31% 423 2539 3.77% 62989 377933 2.44%
8 1604 9627 2.73% 1354 8124 2.61% 361 2169 3.22% 79625 477747 3.08%
9 2019 12116 3.44% 1746 10476 3.37% 371 2230 3.31% 87803 526816 3.40%
10 2417 14506 4.11% 2164 12989 4.18% 460 2765 4.10% 128061 768367 4.96%
11 2836 17019 4.83% 2532 15192 4.88% 470 2822 4.19% 107466 644797 4.16%
12 2599 15599 4.42% 2274 13648 4.39% 463 2780 4.12% 108291 649744 4.19%
13 2125 12754 3.62% 1834 11006 3.54% 468 2808 4.17% 90571 543429 3.51%
14 2558 15351 4.35% 2213 13278 4.27% 496 2979 4.42% 133688 802127 5.18%
15 2841 17046 4.84% 2451 14706 4.73% 469 2815 4.18% 119492 716953 4.63%
16 2408 14448 4.10% 2190 13140 4.22% 436 2618 3.88% 110917 665504 4.30%
17 3190 19144 5.43% 2852 17117 5.50% 419 2514 3.73% 134641 807849 5.22%
18 4213 25282 7.17% 3791 22751 7.31% 479 2876 4.27% 184532 1107189 7.15%
19 3917 23505 6.67% 3606 21636 6.95% 491 2946 4.37% 182661 1095966 7.07%
20 4352 26116 7.41% 3890 23341 7.50% 585 3515 5.22% 167413 1004476 6.48%
21 3806 22836 6.48% 3380 20280 6.52% 534 3206 4.76% 162508 975046 6.29%
22 3314 19885 5.64% 2884 17308 5.56% 462 2777 4.12% 129008 774049 5.00%
23 2584 15504 4.40% 2289 13737 4.42% 451 2711 4.02% 123411 740465 4.78%

Top 30 of 32140 Total URLs
# Hits kB F URL
1 20002 5.67% 5293 0.03% /stats/usage_202304.html
2 5355 1.52% 532522 3.44% /stats/usage_202307.html
3 4755 1.35% 48628 0.31% /stats/
4 3961 1.12% 592472 3.82% /stats/usage_201409.html
5 1785 0.51% 13424 0.09% /
6 869 0.25% 10339 0.07% /annonce et evenements/001 arme d occasion.htm
7 536 0.15% 7120 0.05% /articles/portee des munitions.htm
8 318 0.09% 449 0.00% /annonce et evenements/001 arme et acc.htm
9 233 0.07% 748 0.00% /arme belge/index armes belges fr.htm
10 228 0.06% 3593 0.02% /arme belge/a a artisans identifies gb.htm
11 213 0.06% 1150 0.01% /arme belge/a a site belge gb.htm
12 182 0.05% 692 0.00% /arme belge/index armes belges gb.htm
13 170 0.05% 263 0.00% /annonce et evenements/3959 cailleau p38 byf42.htm
14 162 0.05% 520 0.00% /livres/a a livre alain general.htm
15 150 0.04% 211 0.00% /annonce et evenements/3960 cailleau tokarev tt33.htm
16 133 0.04% 18995 0.12% /stats/usage_202306.html
17 108 0.03% 2113 0.01% /arme belge/a a artisans identifies fr.htm
18 94 0.03% 148 0.00% /annonce et evenements/3961 polloni fn b27.htm
19 83 0.02% 418 0.00% /arme belge/a a site belge fr.htm
20 76 0.02% 1848 0.01% /collection privee/a a liste collection privee gb.htm
21 72 0.02% 225 0.00% /arme belge/restauration/a a restauration intro gb.htm
22 71 0.02% 213 0.00% /annonce et evenements/001 munitions et accessoires.htm
23 68 0.02% 384 0.00% /arme belge/artisans identifies g/a genhart gb.htm
24 65 0.02% 719 0.00% /arme belge/artisans identifies h/a h d h fr.htm
25 62 0.02% 411 0.00% /arme belge/artisans non identifies/a artisans inconnus revolver broche lefaucheux ouverte fr.htm
26 56 0.02% 1340 0.01% /collection privee/a a liste collection privee fr.htm
27 54 0.02% 379 0.00% /arme belge/fn/a fn carabine auto cal 22 fr.htm
28 49 0.01% 170 0.00% /arme belge/fn/a a fn gb.htm
29 42 0.01% 297 0.00% /arme belge/artisans identifies francotte/a francotte gb.htm
30 41 0.01% 124 0.00% /arme belge/artisans non identifies/a artisans inconnus revolver broche lefaucheux ouverte gb.htm

Top 10 of 32140 Total URLs By kB F
# Hits kB F URL
1 3961 1.12% 592472 3.82% /stats/usage_201409.html
2 5355 1.52% 532522 3.44% /stats/usage_202307.html
3 4755 1.35% 48628 0.31% /stats/
4 133 0.04% 18995 0.12% /stats/usage_202306.html
5 1785 0.51% 13424 0.09% /
6 869 0.25% 10339 0.07% /annonce et evenements/001 arme d occasion.htm
7 536 0.15% 7120 0.05% /articles/portee des munitions.htm
8 19 0.01% 5875 0.04% /mise a jour et groupe de recherche/1 index revues fire.htm
9 20002 5.67% 5293 0.03% /stats/usage_202304.html
10 17 0.00% 4239 0.03% /arme belge/artisans identifies l/lebeau courally auguste 21407-19.jpeg

Top 10 of 2786 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1785 0.51% 1179 11.57% /
2 869 0.25% 474 4.65% /annonce et evenements/001 arme d occasion.htm
3 536 0.15% 464 4.55% /articles/portee des munitions.htm
4 318 0.09% 141 1.38% /annonce et evenements/001 arme et acc.htm
5 3961 1.12% 135 1.32% /stats/usage_201409.html
6 228 0.06% 106 1.04% /arme belge/a a artisans identifies gb.htm
7 213 0.06% 92 0.90% /arme belge/a a site belge gb.htm
8 20002 5.67% 53 0.52% /stats/usage_202304.html
9 4755 1.35% 49 0.48% /stats/
10 65 0.02% 42 0.41% /arme belge/artisans identifies h/a h d h fr.htm

Top 10 of 2814 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1785 0.51% 791 7.82% /
2 536 0.15% 460 4.55% /articles/portee des munitions.htm
3 869 0.25% 419 4.14% /annonce et evenements/001 arme d occasion.htm
4 3961 1.12% 129 1.27% /stats/usage_201409.html
5 228 0.06% 83 0.82% /arme belge/a a artisans identifies gb.htm
6 213 0.06% 79 0.78% /arme belge/a a site belge gb.htm
7 170 0.05% 77 0.76% /annonce et evenements/3959 cailleau p38 byf42.htm
8 150 0.04% 70 0.69% /annonce et evenements/3960 cailleau tokarev tt33.htm
9 94 0.03% 62 0.61% /annonce et evenements/3961 polloni fn b27.htm
10 4755 1.35% 56 0.55% /stats/

Top 30 of 8875 Total Sites
# Hits Files kB F Visits Hostname
1 19995 5.67% 19995 6.43% 5214 0.03% 50 0.43%
2 4219 1.20% 112 0.04% 27288 0.18% 2 0.02%
3 4142 1.17% 3282 1.05% 11893 0.08% 1 0.01%
4 4065 1.15% 132 0.04% 29443 0.19% 3 0.03%
5 3991 1.13% 3991 1.28% 41006 0.26% 1 0.01%
6 2881 0.82% 2873 0.92% 245532 1.59% 3 0.03%
7 2626 0.74% 2626 0.84% 261979 1.69% 1 0.01%
8 2361 0.67% 2356 0.76% 190536 1.23% 2 0.02%
9 1943 0.55% 1888 0.61% 4932 0.03% 4 0.03%
10 1934 0.55% 1595 0.51% 94370 0.61% 4 0.03%
11 1834 0.52% 1725 0.55% 146856 0.95% 54 0.47%
12 1575 0.45% 1574 0.51% 119560 0.77% 1 0.01%
13 1512 0.43% 1504 0.48% 118303 0.76% 4 0.03%
14 1419 0.40% 6 0.00% 2625 0.02% 1 0.01%
15 1236 0.35% 1043 0.34% 21042 0.14% 1 0.01%
16 1194 0.34% 1194 0.38% 124610 0.80% 2 0.02%
17 1184 0.34% 1179 0.38% 26674 0.17% 1 0.01%
18 1184 0.34% 1176 0.38% 10696 0.07% 8 0.07%
19 1100 0.31% 1091 0.35% 4947 0.03% 9 0.08%
20 1096 0.31% 751 0.24% 18699 0.12% 2 0.02%
21 1092 0.31% 722 0.23% 14726 0.10% 1 0.01%
22 1088 0.31% 1071 0.34% 7465 0.05% 8 0.07%
23 1050 0.30% 1046 0.34% 87072 0.56% 1 0.01%
24 995 0.28% 388 0.12% 23803 0.15% 66 0.57%
25 975 0.28% 966 0.31% 4664 0.03% 10 0.09%
26 948 0.27% 944 0.30% 23524 0.15% 1 0.01%
27 938 0.27% 930 0.30% 12556 0.08% 7 0.06%
28 925 0.26% 920 0.30% 23854 0.15% 1 0.01%
29 900 0.26% 680 0.22% 2147 0.01% 1 0.01%
30 897 0.25% 783 0.25% 4637 0.03% 15 0.13%

Top 10 of 8875 Total Sites By kB F
# Hits Files kB F Visits Hostname
1 2626 0.74% 2626 0.84% 261979 1.69% 1 0.01%
2 2881 0.82% 2873 0.92% 245532 1.59% 3 0.03%
3 2361 0.67% 2356 0.76% 190536 1.23% 2 0.02%
4 1834 0.52% 1725 0.55% 146856 0.95% 54 0.47%
5 1194 0.34% 1194 0.38% 124610 0.80% 2 0.02%
6 1575 0.45% 1574 0.51% 119560 0.77% 1 0.01%
7 1512 0.43% 1504 0.48% 118303 0.76% 4 0.03%
8 1934 0.55% 1595 0.51% 94370 0.61% 4 0.03%
9 1050 0.30% 1046 0.34% 87072 0.56% 1 0.01%
10 878 0.25% 877 0.28% 67839 0.44% 2 0.02%

Top 30 of 5547 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 78368 22.23% - (Direct Request)
2 29486 8.36% et evenements/001 arme d occasion.htm
3 14603 4.14% privee/a a liste collection privee gb.htm
4 7695 2.18% et evenements/001 arme d occasion.htm
5 7082 2.01% privee/a a liste collection privee gb.htm
6 6646 1.89% privee/a a liste collection privee fr.htm
7 6502 1.84% et evenements/001 arme d occasion.htm
8 4462 1.27% privee/a a liste collection privee gb.htm
9 3991 1.13%
10 3968 1.13%
11 3470 0.98% privee/a a liste collection privee fr.htm
12 3354 0.95% privee/a a liste collection privee fr.htm
13 3014 0.85% privee/a a liste collection privee fr.htm
14 2888 0.82% belge/artisans identifies e f/a fab armes unies de liege gb.htm
15 2844 0.81% belge/artisans identifies e f/a fab armes unies de liege fr.htm
16 2625 0.74%
17 2219 0.63% des munitions.htm
18 2143 0.61% belge/artisans identifies g/a genhart gb.htm
19 1935 0.55% et evenements/001 arme d occasion.htm
20 1858 0.53%
21 1815 0.51%
22 1800 0.51%
23 1785 0.51%
24 1730 0.49% belge/fn/a fn carabine auto cal 22 fr.htm
25 1714 0.49% belge/artisans identifies l/a lefaucheux eugene fr.htm
26 1665 0.47%
27 1605 0.46%
28 1590 0.45%
29 1516 0.43% privee/a a liste collection privee gb.htm
30 1515 0.43%

Top 20 of 32 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 5 11.36%
2 3 6.82%
3 3 6.82%'agit(2413%2c5%20m).
4 2 4.55%
5 2 4.55%
6 2 4.55%
7 2 4.55%
8 1 2.27%
9 1 2.27%
10 1 2.27%
11 1 2.27%
12 1 2.27%
13 1 2.27%
14 1 2.27%
15 1 2.27%
16 1 2.27%
17 1 2.27%
18 1 2.27%
19 1 2.27%
20 1 2.27%

Top 15 of 1590 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 55505 15.75% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
2 37792 10.72% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36
3 36412 10.33% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
4 23278 6.60% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0
5 20574 5.84% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
6 13781 3.91% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/114.0.182
7 9734 2.76% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; Bytespider; spider-
8 8311 2.36% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
9 8256 2.34% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 16_5_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.5.1 Mobile/15E14
10 5401 1.53% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; bingbot/2.0; + Chrome/103.0.50
11 4272 1.21% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.5.1 Safari/605.1.15
12 4142 1.17% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AwarioBot/1.0; +
13 3568 1.01% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
14 3242 0.92% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0
15 3042 0.86% Googlebot-Image/1.0

Usage by Country for July 2023

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files kB F Country
1 352521 100.00% 311332 100.08% 15490730 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23