Usage statistics for

Summary Period: July 2024
Generated 01-Aug-2024 05:09 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for July 2024
Total Hits 1895267
Total Files 1713827
Total Pages 568581
Total Visits 81408
Total kB Files 98624379
Total Unique Sites 41916
Total Unique URLs 38812
Total Unique Referrers 10174
Total Unique User Agents 8929
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 2547 13851
Hits per Day 61137 100221
Files per Day 55284 95142
Pages per Day 18341 36148
Sites per Day 1352 3186
Visits per Day 2626 3128
kB Files per Day 3181432 5247369
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0.00% 4
Code 200 - OK 90.43% 1713827
Code 206 - Partial Content 1.33% 25206
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.22% 4241
Code 302 - Found 0.00% 6
Code 304 - Not Modified 1.73% 32870
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.01% 257
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.96% 18141
Code 404 - Not Found 5.31% 100715

Daily usage for July 2024

Daily Statistics for July 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites kB F
1 63982 3.38% 58629 3.42% 19054 3.35% 2645 3.25% 2986 7.12% 2857429 2.90%
2 57897 3.05% 52613 3.07% 11276 1.98% 2423 2.98% 2706 6.46% 2927215 2.97%
3 45462 2.40% 40879 2.39% 8269 1.45% 2650 3.26% 2634 6.28% 2758562 2.80%
4 53168 2.81% 45425 2.65% 11573 2.04% 2772 3.41% 2668 6.37% 3390688 3.44%
5 40453 2.13% 35308 2.06% 7651 1.35% 2358 2.90% 2457 5.86% 2710956 2.75%
6 54276 2.86% 49558 2.89% 22359 3.93% 2648 3.25% 2615 6.24% 2520889 2.56%
7 54357 2.87% 48606 2.84% 20357 3.58% 2193 2.69% 2596 6.19% 2669407 2.71%
8 66300 3.50% 61595 3.59% 19132 3.36% 2492 3.06% 2561 6.11% 3859419 3.91%
9 50518 2.67% 46714 2.73% 18025 3.17% 2625 3.22% 2718 6.48% 2540753 2.58%
10 59815 3.16% 54198 3.16% 19401 3.41% 2495 3.06% 2680 6.39% 3037405 3.08%
11 67924 3.58% 61754 3.60% 22452 3.95% 2968 3.65% 3008 7.18% 3369105 3.42%
12 66869 3.53% 60837 3.55% 20953 3.69% 2572 3.16% 2827 6.74% 3392306 3.44%
13 63653 3.36% 58583 3.42% 19391 3.41% 2603 3.20% 2635 6.29% 3318628 3.36%
14 64274 3.39% 56505 3.30% 21517 3.78% 2987 3.67% 3043 7.26% 3069412 3.11%
15 77196 4.07% 69451 4.05% 25616 4.51% 2514 3.09% 3186 7.60% 3878350 3.93%
16 100221 5.29% 95142 5.55% 36148 6.36% 2907 3.57% 3021 7.21% 5247369 5.32%
17 62317 3.29% 55563 3.24% 23092 4.06% 2542 3.12% 2762 6.59% 3209239 3.25%
18 61200 3.23% 55644 3.25% 20178 3.55% 2552 3.13% 2704 6.45% 3212482 3.26%
19 61141 3.23% 56767 3.31% 19422 3.42% 2644 3.25% 2769 6.61% 3361625 3.41%
20 58383 3.08% 52005 3.03% 21482 3.78% 3128 3.84% 2641 6.30% 2804479 2.84%
21 60635 3.20% 54429 3.18% 22721 4.00% 2662 3.27% 2870 6.85% 2877893 2.92%
22 68451 3.61% 64015 3.74% 21131 3.72% 2311 2.84% 2627 6.27% 3804548 3.86%
23 66028 3.48% 60208 3.51% 20638 3.63% 2410 2.96% 2735 6.52% 3172294 3.22%
24 74289 3.92% 66881 3.90% 20260 3.56% 2656 3.26% 2860 6.82% 4154091 4.21%
25 63739 3.36% 56959 3.32% 23319 4.10% 2941 3.61% 2858 6.82% 2793766 2.83%
26 62136 3.28% 55111 3.22% 22563 3.97% 2662 3.27% 2849 6.80% 2749163 2.79%
27 61344 3.24% 53828 3.14% 16397 2.88% 2958 3.63% 2867 6.84% 2750026 2.79%
28 79592 4.20% 72601 4.24% 12727 2.24% 2525 3.10% 2559 6.11% 4921829 4.99%
29 36209 1.91% 31620 1.84% 5494 0.97% 2534 3.11% 2748 6.56% 2071649 2.10%
30 42434 2.24% 37486 2.19% 7184 1.26% 2681 3.29% 2673 6.38% 2553963 2.59%
31 51004 2.69% 44913 2.62% 8799 1.55% 2741 3.37% 3063 7.31% 2639441 2.68%

Hourly usage for July 2024

Hourly Statistics for July 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages kB F
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 2124 65862 3.48% 1943 60252 3.52% 864 26785 4.71% 103669 3213732 3.26%
1 2070 64186 3.39% 1876 58181 3.39% 797 24717 4.35% 113932 3531900 3.58%
2 2057 63782 3.37% 1791 55523 3.24% 772 23955 4.21% 111712 3463066 3.51%
3 1591 49349 2.60% 1433 44435 2.59% 687 21317 3.75% 82328 2552163 2.59%
4 1470 45597 2.41% 1300 40304 2.35% 643 19962 3.51% 76544 2372853 2.41%
5 1564 48506 2.56% 1340 41562 2.43% 650 20175 3.55% 78643 2437946 2.47%
6 1458 45209 2.39% 1290 39990 2.33% 651 20182 3.55% 68498 2123446 2.15%
7 1861 57714 3.05% 1673 51878 3.03% 671 20825 3.66% 92223 2858903 2.90%
8 2059 63835 3.37% 1861 57719 3.37% 655 20322 3.57% 110777 3434102 3.48%
9 2423 75141 3.96% 2207 68424 3.99% 673 20868 3.67% 130871 4057003 4.11%
10 2773 85968 4.54% 2501 77531 4.52% 712 22092 3.89% 151080 4683476 4.75%
11 2783 86293 4.55% 2540 78749 4.59% 682 21162 3.72% 153964 4772881 4.84%
12 2690 83416 4.40% 2451 76009 4.44% 738 22887 4.03% 144495 4479333 4.54%
13 2759 85539 4.51% 2505 77667 4.53% 764 23709 4.17% 143742 4456007 4.52%
14 2815 87295 4.61% 2576 79875 4.66% 802 24889 4.38% 145530 4511430 4.57%
15 3132 97104 5.12% 2839 88026 5.14% 858 26618 4.68% 170472 5284640 5.36%
16 3265 101244 5.34% 2945 91306 5.33% 855 26510 4.66% 177654 5507265 5.58%
17 3369 104452 5.51% 3104 96236 5.62% 817 25353 4.46% 169181 5244617 5.32%
18 3060 94869 5.01% 2778 86139 5.03% 781 24216 4.26% 153450 4756964 4.82%
19 3149 97634 5.15% 2854 88479 5.16% 789 24465 4.30% 163447 5066869 5.14%
20 3203 99308 5.24% 2908 90171 5.26% 794 24640 4.33% 168117 5211613 5.28%
21 3306 102491 5.41% 3010 93328 5.45% 823 25523 4.49% 169047 5240456 5.31%
22 3334 103362 5.45% 2984 92527 5.40% 921 28554 5.02% 165851 5141374 5.21%
23 2810 87111 4.60% 2565 79516 4.64% 930 28855 5.07% 136205 4222341 4.28%

Top 30 of 38812 Total URLs
# Hits kB F URL
1 231575 12.22% 1785581 1.81% /
2 25355 1.34% 2716084 2.75% /stats/usage_202407.html
3 17823 0.94% 2670024 2.71% /stats/usage_201409.html
4 15608 0.82% 1860139 1.89% /stats/usage_202405.html
5 15605 0.82% 2334468 2.37% /stats/usage_202402.html
6 12358 0.65% 125841 0.13% /stats/
7 6506 0.34% 900049 0.91% /stats/usage_202308.html
8 6411 0.34% 60827 0.06% /annonce et evenements/001 arme d occasion.htm
9 2264 0.12% 24871 0.03% /articles/portee des munitions.htm
10 2229 0.12% 7744 0.01% /annonce et evenements/4103 bernard anschutz cal 22-04_small.jpeg
11 1463 0.08% 27757 0.03% /arme belge/a a artisans identifies gb.htm
12 1281 0.07% 3403 0.00% /annonce et evenements/001 arme et acc.htm
13 1141 0.06% 6349 0.01% /12li/12li.htm
14 1051 0.06% 5220 0.01% /arme belge/index armes belges fr.htm
15 939 0.05% 3433 0.00% /livres/a a livre alain general.htm
16 809 0.04% 4314 0.00% /arme belge/a a site belge gb.htm
17 731 0.04% 1045 0.00% /gpa/gpa du mra.htm
18 665 0.04% 6117 0.01% /arme belge/artisans identifies b/a britte fr.htm
19 665 0.04% 2416 0.00% /arme belge/fn/a a fn gb.htm
20 612 0.03% 3057 0.00% /collection privee/amerique/a us remington wodmaster gb.htm
21 602 0.03% 3100 0.00% /arme belge/index armes belges gb.htm
22 559 0.03% 12138 0.01% /arme belge/a a artisans identifies fr.htm
23 554 0.03% 9176 0.01% /collection privee/belgique/be pqrstuvwxyz/a be venien benoit michel fr.htm
24 511 0.03% 15489 0.02% /collection privee/a a liste collection privee gb.htm
25 504 0.03% 4756 0.00% /identification/Lien pour guy/1 lien pour guy.htm
26 500 0.03% 12547 0.01% /stats/usage_202012.html
27 490 0.03% 2949 0.00% /arme belge/artisans non identifies/a artisans inconnus revolver broche lefaucheux ouverte fr.htm
28 469 0.02% 2605 0.00% /arme belge/a a site belge fr.htm
29 446 0.02% 1022 0.00% /mise a jour et groupe de recherche/1 fiche mail.htm
30 440 0.02% 5184 0.01% /arme belge/artisans identifies h/a h d h gb.htm

Top 10 of 38812 Total URLs By kB F
# Hits kB F URL
1 25355 1.34% 2716084 2.75% /stats/usage_202407.html
2 17823 0.94% 2670024 2.71% /stats/usage_201409.html
3 15605 0.82% 2334468 2.37% /stats/usage_202402.html
4 15608 0.82% 1860139 1.89% /stats/usage_202405.html
5 231575 12.22% 1785581 1.81% /
6 6506 0.34% 900049 0.91% /stats/usage_202308.html
7 12358 0.65% 125841 0.13% /stats/
8 6411 0.34% 60827 0.06% /annonce et evenements/001 arme d occasion.htm
9 100 0.01% 58629 0.06% /mise a jour et groupe de recherche/1 index revues ami 1984.htm
10 12 0.00% 45159 0.05% /stats/webalizer.current

Top 10 of 3874 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 231575 12.22% 7470 10.16% /
2 6411 0.34% 4956 6.74% /annonce et evenements/001 arme d occasion.htm
3 2264 0.12% 2054 2.79% /articles/portee des munitions.htm
4 12358 0.65% 1358 1.85% /stats/
5 1463 0.08% 898 1.22% /arme belge/a a artisans identifies gb.htm
6 1281 0.07% 553 0.75% /annonce et evenements/001 arme et acc.htm
7 17823 0.94% 528 0.72% /stats/usage_201409.html
8 612 0.03% 516 0.70% /collection privee/amerique/a us remington wodmaster gb.htm
9 809 0.04% 458 0.62% /arme belge/a a site belge gb.htm
10 554 0.03% 361 0.49% /collection privee/belgique/be pqrstuvwxyz/a be venien benoit michel fr.htm

Top 10 of 3872 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 231575 12.22% 6655 9.07% /
2 6411 0.34% 5332 7.27% /annonce et evenements/001 arme d occasion.htm
3 2264 0.12% 2055 2.80% /articles/portee des munitions.htm
4 12358 0.65% 1339 1.83% /stats/
5 1463 0.08% 714 0.97% /arme belge/a a artisans identifies gb.htm
6 612 0.03% 516 0.70% /collection privee/amerique/a us remington wodmaster gb.htm
7 17823 0.94% 511 0.70% /stats/usage_201409.html
8 809 0.04% 404 0.55% /arme belge/a a site belge gb.htm
9 440 0.02% 318 0.43% /arme belge/artisans identifies h/a h d h gb.htm
10 939 0.05% 317 0.43% /livres/a a livre alain general.htm

Top 30 of 41916 Total Sites
# Hits Files kB F Visits Hostname
1 215699 11.38% 215699 12.59% 1506115 1.53% 3 0.00%
2 25489 1.34% 25472 1.49% 2160518 2.19% 3 0.00%
3 25309 1.34% 25309 1.48% 2715146 2.75% 2 0.00%
4 16108 0.85% 14682 0.86% 35730 0.04% 15 0.02%
5 14722 0.78% 14551 0.85% 175922 0.18% 1 0.00%
6 13536 0.71% 13179 0.77% 1063744 1.08% 3 0.00%
7 12801 0.68% 12772 0.75% 1009992 1.02% 23 0.03%
8 12318 0.65% 12318 0.72% 1658527 1.68% 45 0.06%
9 11130 0.59% 11115 0.65% 1000868 1.01% 3 0.00%
10 9644 0.51% 9531 0.56% 30909 0.03% 1 0.00%
11 7239 0.38% 7200 0.42% 584869 0.59% 21 0.03%
12 6896 0.36% 6849 0.40% 593460 0.60% 13 0.02%
13 6395 0.34% 6391 0.37% 583125 0.59% 1 0.00%
14 6273 0.33% 6249 0.36% 575090 0.58% 21 0.03%
15 5755 0.30% 5564 0.32% 50095 0.05% 129 0.16%
16 5737 0.30% 5546 0.32% 51076 0.05% 142 0.17%
17 5624 0.30% 3390 0.20% 233354 0.24% 250 0.31%
18 5544 0.29% 5486 0.32% 77970 0.08% 47 0.06%
19 5440 0.29% 5440 0.32% 779539 0.79% 10 0.01%
20 5377 0.28% 5184 0.30% 45466 0.05% 129 0.16%
21 5314 0.28% 2874 0.17% 198831 0.20% 329 0.40%
22 5042 0.27% 5042 0.29% 678837 0.69% 1 0.00%
23 4517 0.24% 4476 0.26% 374901 0.38% 5 0.01%
24 4478 0.24% 4461 0.26% 293054 0.30% 15 0.02%
25 4229 0.22% 2239 0.13% 138088 0.14% 272 0.33%
26 4116 0.22% 4116 0.24% 554189 0.56% 5 0.01%
27 4038 0.21% 4038 0.24% 41512 0.04% 2 0.00%
28 3725 0.20% 2486 0.15% 61392 0.06% 556 0.68%
29 3704 0.20% 3694 0.22% 248488 0.25% 7 0.01%
30 3633 0.19% 3607 0.21% 41328 0.04% 1 0.00%

Top 10 of 41916 Total Sites By kB F
# Hits Files kB F Visits Hostname
1 25309 1.34% 25309 1.48% 2715146 2.75% 2 0.00%
2 25489 1.34% 25472 1.49% 2160518 2.19% 3 0.00%
3 12318 0.65% 12318 0.72% 1658527 1.68% 45 0.06%
4 215699 11.38% 215699 12.59% 1506115 1.53% 3 0.00%
5 13536 0.71% 13179 0.77% 1063744 1.08% 3 0.00%
6 12801 0.68% 12772 0.75% 1009992 1.02% 23 0.03%
7 11130 0.59% 11115 0.65% 1000868 1.01% 3 0.00%
8 5440 0.29% 5440 0.32% 779539 0.79% 10 0.01%
9 5042 0.27% 5042 0.29% 678837 0.69% 1 0.00%
10 6896 0.36% 6849 0.40% 593460 0.60% 13 0.02%

Top 30 of 10174 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 424024 22.37% - (Direct Request)
2 78391 4.14% et evenements/001 arme d occasion.htm
3 40572 2.14% privee/a a liste collection privee gb.htm
4 38350 2.02% privee/a a liste collection privee fr.htm
5 34911 1.84%
6 34908 1.84%
7 34907 1.84%
8 34906 1.84%
9 34868 1.84%
10 34863 1.84%
11 34527 1.82% et evenements/001 arme d occasion.htm
12 33614 1.77% et evenements/001 arme d occasion.htm
13 31080 1.64%
14 26107 1.38%
15 24929 1.32% privee/a a liste collection privee fr.htm
16 18699 0.99%
17 13870 0.73% belge/artisans identifies den/a dumoulin francois et cie gb.htm
18 13847 0.73% belge/artisans identifies e f/a fab armes unies de liege fr.htm
19 13525 0.71% privee/a a liste collection privee gb.htm
20 11773 0.62% et evenements/001 arme d occasion.htm
21 9791 0.52% privee/amerique/a us remington wodmaster gb.htm
22 9076 0.48% belge/artisans identifies l/a lefaucheux eugene fr.htm
23 9013 0.48% belge/artisans identifies p/a pieper s a anciens ets fusil chasse gb.htm
24 8772 0.46% belge/artisans identifies e f/a fab armes unies de liege gb.htm
25 7965 0.42% belge/artisans identifies h/a h d h gb.htm
26 7601 0.40% belge/artisans identifies i j k/a janssen fils et cie gb.htm
27 6672 0.35% belge/fn/a fn carabine auto cal 22 fr.htm
28 6604 0.35%
29 6455 0.34% des munitions.htm
30 6275 0.33% privee/a a liste collection privee fr.htm

Top 20 of 151 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 124 16.49%
2 120 15.96%самые-низкие-цены/
3 94 12.50%
4 56 7.45%
5 47 6.25%
6 32 4.26%
7 24 3.19%
8 24 3.19%готовый-самообнавляющий-плейлист/
9 16 2.13%
10 11 1.46%
11 9 1.20%
12 8 1.06%'agit(2413%2c5%20m).
13 8 1.06%
14 6 0.80%
15 5 0.66%
16 5 0.66%
17 4 0.53%
18 4 0.53%
19 3 0.40%
20 3 0.40%

Top 15 of 8929 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 213084 11.24% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
2 184469 9.73% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36
3 91032 4.80% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/
4 77396 4.08% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
5 75143 3.96% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 17_5_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.5 Mobile/15E148
6 51939 2.74% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:128.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/128.0
7 36367 1.92% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:127.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/127.0
8 29495 1.56% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
9 29332 1.55% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.5 Safari/605.1.15
10 26710 1.41% Googlebot-Image/1.0
11 26040 1.37% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) SamsungBrowser/25.0 Chrome/ Mobile Safari/
12 25344 1.34% Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)
13 24876 1.31% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
14 24795 1.31% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Bytespider; AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Sa
15 23624 1.25% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Barkrowler/0.9; +

Usage by Country for July 2024

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files kB F Country
1 1895267 100.00% 1739033 101.47% 98624379 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23