Some of
the most beautiful work of this craftsman, and many others, are in this book
“Liège Gunmakers through their Work. 1800 - 1950”.
For more
detail see:
Emile et Léon Nagant
Nagant M.1877 ?
Nagant M.1877
Nagant M.1878
Nagant M.1878 civilian
Nagant M.1878/86 Douane
Nagant custom (copy)
Nagant M.1887
Nagant M.1887 postal
gendarmerie luxembourgeoise
Nagant M.87/93 Törnell
Nagant M.1893 Brasilian
Nagant M.1893 Norwegian
Nagant serbe
Nagant M.1895 cal .22
Nagant M.1895 Russian contract
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